The garden

Palest of shading,

softest of hue

White tinged with yellow

pink tinged with blue.

Scents sweet and lingering,

leaves shaded green,

petals unblemished

with new buds between.

Roots in the sweet earth

flowers face the sun

some of them dying

some not begun.

Bent by the winds,

fed by the rain,

dying away

and then coming again.

Dappled in sunlight

blanketed in snow.

Resting, restoring,

then starting to grow.

Bold in bright sunlight,

wilting by noon,

gentle by twilight,

soft in the moon.

Noisy with birdsong,

humming with bees,

a corner of paradise

created to please.


Ceemb 2006

One Response to “The garden”

  1. Sue Steiner Says:

    another lovely poem!

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