Paddling pool

It’s taken forty five minutes

to blow the thing up.

The hosepipe won’t work

so it’s filled by cup!

My lungs are burning,

my legs are sore,

 and there’s a troupe of 12 kids

hovering  ’round my door!

I’ve set it all up,

all smart, on the lawn.

(To be done before sunset,

you’ve to start it at dawn!)

I haven’t enough towels

they’ll just have to share.

(I remember when we dried

in the sun without care –

but they have to have towels

and slippers for cold feet,

and an ice-cream and a drink,

or some other fine treat!)

So, I set it all up for them

in the way I’ve been told,

but they’re not keen to paddle

‘cos the water’s too cold!!

Well, bugger them all

they can all go back in,

I’ll paddle in it myself

whilst sipping a gin!


Ceemb 1/6/07

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