Fridge Monster

1 The fridge monster has been in

and taken all the cheese!

It never came and asked,

and it never said please.


3 The fridge monster has been in

and taken lots of snacks.

Mum waits in the kitchen

to see if it attacks!


5 The fridge monster strikes

and we never know when!

Mum fills the fridge with food

and ‘IT’ empties it again!


7 We know when it’s been in

‘cos it leaves clues everywhere,

crumbs in the kitchen

wrappers on the stair.


9 We feed the monster three big meals

but it’s just not enough.

It sneaks into the fridge again

to stuff, stuff, stuff!




2 The fridge monster has been in.

This time, milk and cake.

It took them very early

before we were awake.


4 But somehow we all miss it

taking cheese, ham, and baps.

We look into the fridge,

and it’s just full of gaps!


6 The fridge monster comes in

and eats all the stock.

Mum’s getting furious.

She’s going to get a lock!


8 It sometimes comes in daytime

and sometimes does at night,

and pinches all the food,

and has a massive appetite!


10 We thought the monster was our Dad

but it took Mum to discover,

the naughty fridge monster

is my big greedy brother!!



For George – a true ‘fridge monster! XX

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