
Here’s to the day that we got wed

and shared a mortgage, and shared a bed.


Here’s to the kids that drove us mad

and gave us the best times ever had.


Here’s to the spats, and more serious fights

followed by forgiveness and passionate nights!


Here’s to the jobs we’ve had and lost,

and bettering ourselves- and oh! the cost.


Here’s to night feeds and dirty nappies

feeling worn and exhausted, but mostly happy!


Here’s to moving to a brand new town

and laying adventureous new roots down.


Here’s to friends – yours and mine,

they’ve eaten our food and drunk our wine.


Here’s to the crazy things we’ve done,

those we wept over, those that were fun.


Here’s to holidays, good ones and bad,

and some we planned but never had.


Here’s to the joint account, more red than black.

To promotion, demotion, resigning, the sack!


Here’s to leaving up the toilet seat,

crumbs in butter, sweaty feet!


Using the the last of, or leaving the dregs,

to borrowing razors to shave the legs!


Here’s to wanting to move away,

and resisting it ‘cos it’s better to stay.


Here’s to having a different view,

not having enough, and ‘making do’.


Here’s to watching each other grow,

and finding out things that we didn’t know.


Here’s to all the outpoured emotion

caused by support, and love, and devotion.


Here’s to the wonderful life we’ve led,

more than sharing a mortgage and sharing a bed.


More than equal to the sum of it’s parts.

A meeting of bodies, minds, and hearts.


To Dad and Mum –  over 50 years wed, and still going strong.

Ceemb 28/4/2007

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