Black Carr Wood

Leaf-strewn paths lead a winding way

as shafts of soft autumn light

illuminate the trees and foliage

growing wild in Black Carr Wood


Fingers of icy mist point a way thro’,

past frost-tinged leaves and mossy bark,

to foxes, rabbits and nut-gathering squirrels

running wild thro’ Black Carr Wood


In summer the varying shades of green

form a cooling canopy and sheltered bower

for riders, runners and horses alike

running thro’ wild Black Carr Wood


The wild winter wind is broken by the trees

and the wood has a cool, icy hush

as the watery sun dances patterns on the brook

running  thro’  wild Black Carr Wood


And I love the seasons and all they bring

and I love the scenery, too

But my idea of heaven, as a dog off the lead,

in running -wild- thro’ Black Carr Wood


Ceemb 12/12/2207

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