Bees on lavender

Summer is short

make the most of the sun

Wake early, work late,

there is much to be done


The flowers on the lavender

are bursting to life

but we must get there quickly,

competition is rife


Stake your place on the stem

there is nectar to find.

Work swift and efficiently,

leave nothing behind


From sun up ’til sun down

again and again

the bees came a’gathering

in an endless train


The scent from the lavender

rose into the air

as dozens and dozens

of bees gathered there


The lavender bush was alive

with their gentle humming

and tho’ each flower seemed attended

they still kept on coming


They hovered and buzzed

from each glorious flower,

and we found ourselves

watching for hours and hours


A steady stream of  busy workers

buzzed and hummed as they passed by

and so laden they became

that they could barely fly!


And day after day

as the sun shone on

they worked and worked

’til their energy was gone


They would rest on a stem

unable to fly.

We found some on the grass

where they lay down to die


Then the very next day

there were more here, again,

lively and humming

with their usual refrain


And day after day

in a mist of sweet lavender scent,

the bees came and went,

and came, and went


Then as flowers finished

and scent began to fade,

so the bees were less frequent,

and we missed their parade


At the end of it all

we wished just for one favour:

to be able to taste

the fruits of such labours.


Ceemb 19/8/06

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