Beach Huts

Dressed in our best

we gaze out to sea,

sun up and sun down,

waiting patiently

for the people to come

with rugs and chairs,

and picnic baskets

of wonderful fayre.

We throw open our doors,

greet them with glee,

observing their fun

on the sand, in the sea.

We breathe in the salt air,

absorb all their noise,

store all their pleasure

in here, with their toys.

Then they shut us for winter

in the cold, wind and rain

and we wait here,

just gazing,

’til they come back again.

Ceemb 6/3/08


This poem came about as a result of a birthday card given to me. Inside, my sister had written a challenge for me to write a poem based on the picture on the front – a row of colourful beach huts. This, then, was the result!

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