Kids and water

Last week was incredibly hot and sunny, the gardens full of children playing a variety of games, but the favourite pursuit seemed to be anything that involved water! As buckets, pistols, cannons and balloons were filled with water and their contents spilled over ‘enemy’ teams, I knew it would only be a matter of time before my youngest was requesting the paddling pool or sprinkler be dragged out from the back of the garage and that I spend an inordinate amount of time preparing everything for what would amount to a very short period of fun. As I trudged out to the garage to seek out the requested items I was reminded of the number of times I had grudgingly done this before, and felt sure that I had, at one point, put pen to paper about this very task. I sought it out, and it goes ‘live’ today, a dedication to all those parents who have been on the same position on similar summer days… PADDLING POOL – enjoy!!

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