Here comes Summer!

What a glorious few days we have had this week, and some wonderfully balmy evenings too. I’m not a big sunseeker but have to say that the English countryside is one of the most beautiful places I know when it’s many shades of green, and it’s lovely trees are bathed in the summer sun’s light. It was this type of vista that inspired my opening lines in ‘Delights’ – there is no more beautiful place to shelter than beneath the protective ‘arms’ of a wonderful oak tree (except in a thunderstorm, of course!), whether it be shade from the sun or shelter from the rain. I love trees. I marvel at their longevity. What must they have witnessed as time passed and they stood firm? What will they see when we are long gone? Some of my favourite trees reside in my sisters garden – lime trees, favourites of the Victorians. They are so stately, with pale green foliage and the most terrific scent when in flower. There is a homemade swing strung beneath the branches of one tree, and it is a personal joy of mine to sit on the swing, lean as far back as I can and stare up through the layers of branches and leaves and marvel at their majesty. I cannot understand why ‘tree-hugger’ is a phrase used detrimentally -I think,for their beauty, strength, and ability to stand firm while all around is changing, they deserve frequent hugs!

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