
How much of a pessimist am I? I began this blog on the advice of dear friends who said I should share my poetry.’ HA,’ I thought,’ Unlikely to be of interest’ – but I did it anyway. I was even bold enough to ask for comments….(fatal, I thought). I never really imagined anyone would read my work, altho I obviously wanted them to.

I was wrong.

As my confidence has grown, so have the numbers of people who have visited my little blog  – lovely visitors to my funny virtual world. I couldn’t offer them coffee or tea, as you would will actual visitors, I could only offer them a share of my work, and the option to comment.

I am honoured that my visitors did just that – they came, they saw, they commented (!!) – and I love that they did. I want them to come again. In fact, I offer them a little presi for coming here- ask me to write a poem on something you may wish to see, and I promise to do my best to rise to the challenge(s). I often do this for close friends and family.

Thank you and please, dear visitors, return soon!

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