Archive for April, 2009

Poem of the week

April 16, 2009

I thought it might be nice to share a poem each week. This week’s is called Dreams. Check it out,and don’t be afraid to comment please!

Ruddy teens!

April 6, 2009

Odd, isn’t it, but the teens in this country get a rotten press…..or should that be the rotten teens get the press?? I think it should! I spent a day in a local supermarket today supervising 14 teens who stood all day chatting with customers, offering to pack bags, and wishing them a happy Easter, and all to raise some funds to get themselves to Peru next year where they can work in the community on projects the locals require help with. This was the first day of the teens’ Easter holiday. They spent yesterday (Sunday) doing the same, and will be at another supermarket doing the same on Saturday. It is back-breaking work, often boring, and hard on the feet to stand at the end of a till for hours! Yet they smiled and chatted with any customer who wanted to, and they were polite and friendly in spite of their tiredness and hunger. They were, in a word, fabulous. What a pity that doesn’t make headlines…..

Early morning inspiration

April 1, 2009

Early morning dog walk today. Watched the woodland waking up – felt quite privileged. Dog finds the squirrels more sluggish at that time of the day – makes chases far more interesting!! Me, I just looked for poetic inspiration…. OK by me if it doesn’t come immediately as I had a great start to the day anyway.